It seems like since I upgraded to 0.57 I can’t set a specific temperature for my climate components (like Toon or a qubino zwave floorheating). Changing programs works fine, but when I want to change it specifically to a different temperature it seems that command is not send.
Have you guys read the breaking change in the latest release notes?
Generic thermostat: the configuration option tolerance has been removed and has been replaced by cold_tolerance and hot_tolerance. This allows on and off states to have different error bands. (@biggms - #9843) (climate.generic_thermostat docs) (breaking change)
I read up on that change, but I thought the change was only impacting those using the climate component generic thermostat?
the issues mentioned so far are all with different components / platforms (or custom components) so wouldn’t need to implement the different configuration options changed in the generic thermostat component?
the breaking change affects the generic thermostat climate component. These are Wink, Nest, Z Wave, etc platforms/components which should not be affected. As it affects multiple platforms, I’m going to guess it is not an API change by the manufacturer, rather a bug in HA.
I have this issue as well, I have setup a generic climate component and and amended the breaking changes regarding hot_tolerance control but the overal temperature control does to change at all, so I cant set a the temperature now.
If it’s not fixed soon I’ll need to downgrade back to 0.56.
My danfoss popp thermostat valve’s don’t have programs at all so it’s either setting a specific temp via zwave or manually on the valve (much hassle).