I’ve upgraded from 0.95.4 to the latest version (0.102.2). After this I’ve noticed the following in the UI;
All groups have an on/off switch, even groups that don’t contains switchable devices. For instance, I have a group with only temperature sensors. The group switch doesn’t make any sense.
A group with only lights used to have a group control to set the color and brightness of all lights in the group at once. This group control is not there anymore it seems.
To me, this seems like a great loss of functionality. How can I fix this?
Stopped upgrading at v96.3. I reckon at this stage you’d be better off backing up your config and doing a fresh install. Too many breaking changes to deal with.
Check docs
Add “controls: hidden” to group in yaml. There is also setting for this in Lovelace ui editor if not using yaml file to define group
Not sure about group color picker…it may/may not still exist in another form or may require some small change to enable. Not likely removed
You can go back to 95.4 honestly. Not benefit to upgrade unless you need some newly added function. In this case it must be value add for you.
Thanks for the reply. However, it used to be possible to click on the group heading to get the group control for picking a colour, brightness, effect, etc. Basically where it says “All Master Bedroom Lights” in your picture. This does not exist any more?
How do you get this group control inside the “All Master Bedroom Lights”-group? can you show me some configuration?