Upgraded Thermostat, need to remove my Nest

Recently upgraded my AC, and as part of that, I got a new thermostat (Lennox iComfort S30) and 2 zone controllers since the Nest does not support multistage HVAC systems!

I am now stuck with both of my old Nest Thermostats still on my HomeAssistant Overview!

I have 2 Nest Thermostats, and 3 Nest Protect, and obviously want to keep the Protects there, but remove the now obsolete thermostats!

I have an active developer account configured in my integration if that makes a difference.

My current configuration.yaml has:


client_id: !secret nest_client_id
client_secret: !secret nest_client_secret
- ‘co_status’
- ‘smoke_status’
- ‘battery_health’
- ‘color_status’

What do I need to remove/clean to remove the 2 thermostats, but keep the Nest protects?


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No one uses nest and/or knows how to remove devices in Home-assistant?

I have the same with 2 protects that were replaced. I can’t remove the expired ones from HA even tho they don’t show in Nest.

Same problem here with a redundant thermostat that I can’t remove

I also have the same issue and would like to remove an old Nest Thermostat while keeping the current one. Any ideas how?