Upgraded to 0.99.3 and broke Custom climate component

Hi All,

I have been using the following custom component in my homeassistant setup for over a year without issue. I recently upgraded to 0.99.3 and it has broken the component. I realise that there have been some changes but not sure exactly what.

The user who created the custom component doesn’t appear to be active on the forum right now.

The component is linked here:

Could anyone help me to update this component so that it will work again? Happy to do the work, just need some direction on what requires doing.

Many Thanks

Edit: I just realised that the github project has been removed. I am guessing the user isn’t maintaining the component any more. I can provide the .py files which still work in operating the thermostat when run manually.

I don’t think it is removed, try https://github.com/daveNewcastle/Heatmiser-WIFI

You are right that it hasn’t been updated though.

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Thank you I completely missed that.

Would you have any thoughts on what would need to be done to update this component?

Thank you.

This has sone details of the changes https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/23899

I am no programmer, but I would start by looking at the changes made to similar integrations. As the author states he based it on heatmiser, start there.

Thanks for the pointer, apologies for the slow reply.

Looking closer at this, I think my best bet is to see if I can get the built in heatmiser component published by @frenck to work for me.

From the component web page here, the component is able to configure and manage the IP devices, but

Further work would be required to get this setup to connect over Wifi, but the HeatmiserV3 python module being used is a full implementation of the V3 protocol.

@frenck Any guidance you could perhaps offer me in what is needed to enable the Wifi functionality would be much appreciated.

Thanks all