Upgraded ubiquiti wifi, cannot connect anymore

I have had a esphome running for a year. I upgraded my unifi software and upgraded the APs. No change in network. Lost connection from the d1_mini_pro. Tried another hardware.
Loaded a minimal file, it’d does not find my ssid when scanning. All other devices works to my knowledge. It looks like this:

[16:49:01][I][wifi:274]: WiFi Connecting to 'iot'...
[16:49:04][W][wifi_esp8266:482]: Event: Disconnected ssid='iot' bssid=7E:xx:xx:xx:xx:2A reason='Auth Expired'
[16:49:04][W][wifi:588]: Error while connecting to network.
[16:49:04][W][wifi:624]: Restarting WiFi adapter...
[16:49:04][I][wifi:274]: WiFi Connecting to 'iot'...
[16:49:10][W][wifi_esp8266:479]: Event: Disconnected ssid='iot' reason='Probe Request Unsuccessful'
[16:49:10][W][wifi:588]: Error while connecting to network.
[16:49:10][W][wifi:624]: Restarting WiFi adapter...

[16:49:21][D][wifi:488]: - '' (76:xx:xx:xx:xx:DA) ▂▄▆█
[16:49:21][D][wifi:488]: - '' (86:xx:xx:xx:xx:2A) ▂▄▆█
[16:49:21][D][wifi:488]: - 'COR' (22:xx:xx:xx:xx:0E) ▂▄▆█
[16:49:21][D][wifi:488]: - 'TP-Link' (74:xx:xx:xx:xx:E5) ▂▄▆█

My ssids not listed.
My config:

  name: test

  board: d1_mini_pro

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
  password: "pass"

  password: "pass"

  ssid: "iot"
  password: "password"

Any ideas? I have no idea what software version I had before on the unifies.

Have you enabled a 2.4 GHz network, or is only 5 GHz enabled? ESPs only support 2.4…

Maybe the SSID it can’t find is 5 GHz only.

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Yes I have 2.4ghz enabled, as I have had it running for a year. Correct channels and width. I suspect unifi enabled something I can’t find. I have changed all options I can think of. All tasmota units work just fine.

Check fast roaming on wifi settings. I am keeping it off for 2.4ghz wifi

Thanks, but that’s off.