Upgrading from 0.56.2 to 0.93 -- need some guidance

Hi all – I had my 0.56.2 happily humming along until Wink broke the API and I needed to upgrade to 0.93 to get the Wink fixes.

Decided to run HA inside docker (on DietPi). Is there a difference between the docker and non-docker version? I presume not – just to be sure…

Right off the bat I noticed the following:

  • There’s a login screen added – can this be disabled? That’s a bit of overkill since it’s not exposed on internet.
  • Post login screen was blank until I started with a new configuration.yaml. Seems that my old config/layout broke the screen layout. Wat has changed so much that it caused this? I will add back my old config bit by bit.
  • MQTT options have been removed. My MQTT sensor automation stopped working as seemingly some things are not supported anymore. Is there any guidance on how to configure MQTT from the old configs (example below – payload is not supported anymore).
  • platform: mqtt
    name: esp1
    state_topic: “esp1/Switch/Value”
    payload_on: “1”
    payload_off: “0”
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0
    retain: true

Thanks for the help!

I don’t wanna be offensive, but what did you expect? 0.56.2 is like what almost 2 years old?
There were thousands of changes in this time. There are ‘breaking changes’ in the release notes, they tell you what changes could break your system.

What do you mean MQTT options have been removed? That’s not true. Did you check the documentation?

There have been many dramatic improvements in functionality, as well as Breaking Changes, between 0.93 and 0.56. Attempting to recap them here requires far more effort than I’m willing to invest. You must take the time to read the Release Notes.

Login screen: there’s a full-fledged authentication system now in effect. Just login the first time then allow your password to be saved and that’s that.

Configuration: many components have been modified to the point your old configuration file is likely to be very outdated.

MQTT options: some have changed, refer to the documentation.

payload_on and payload_off continue to be valid options:

I’d start anew and copy small chucks of your configuration over at a time until it breaks. If you want to set it and forget it, go hassio. If you want to tinker, go hass on docker.

I received errors that stated that I needed to remove these options.

There’s a login screen added – can this be disabled? That’s a bit of overkill since it’s not exposed on internet.

Yes, have a look at the ‘trusted networks’ part of the http component.

Post login screen was blank until I started with a new configuration.yaml. Seems that my old config/layout broke the screen layout. Wat has changed so much that it caused this? I will add back my old config bit by bit.

It may have gone over to the new Lovelace UI. To get your old layout search how to ‘enable states UI’

MQTT options have been removed. My MQTT sensor automation stopped working as seemingly some things are not supported anymore. Is there any guidance on how to configure MQTT from the old configs (example below – payload is not supported anymore).

MQTT still works for me but it has been changed during releases, I remember having to remove some line from my YAML.

Good luck :slight_smile:

BTW @Burningstone, you don’t see me complain :slight_smile:

Note, I build very large scale software systems that are used by very large customer sets (cloud scale), and if I would introduce breaks as much as HA does, my customer sat would be down the toilet. The reason that I still enjoy the HA platform is the friendly and helpful community.

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@Codec303 that’s gold. Thanks very much!

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@petro Agreed. Seems that’s the best route… Now I have HA on docker with my own OS, so I am happy, as I can use the OS to run more stuff. Docker keeps it clean :slight_smile:

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Thanks @123 – Let me check this version again regarding payload. Will report back.

Yes but this is not large scale software used by very large customer sets :wink: This is open source, people dedicate their free time to create this. HA is still in development and until 1.0 there will be a lot of ‘breaking changes’, after that the ‘breaking changes’ will decline.

It’s all relative… I think that the customer based for HA is quite large for the scenario. Note lots of open source solutions where I work :slight_smile:

Is there a place where I can learn more about the roadmap towards 1.0?

Check this out, was posted just recently.

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That’s currently deprecated and will be eliminated in version 0.95.

In the most recent versions of Home Assistant, you use auth_providers and not the http component. One of the available auth_providers is ‘trusted networks’ and here is its documentation.


It is what it is.

Whether the changes are small, large, or ‘breaking’, the cumulative effect of jumping 37 versions in one shot is enough to make any software feel like an entirely different product.


Teaches me to upgrade from time to time … :slight_smile: Since it’s running on docker now, no reason anymore to give new versions a spin and revert for a while if a break needs work.

Just FYI, HassIO is also docker. HassOS is the one where it’s the entire operating system.
Hass is just the core python component (which you can run in docker if you want), and HassIO is Hass already in docker, with another HA supervisor container to manage Hass & allow it to manage addons. You can still use your OS if you install HassIO in linux.

Eh, It’s not too bad. I’ve done a jump similar to yours and worse case scenario is you have to redo everything but now you know what you’re doing. When I did that jump, it took me about 4 hours to update.

My mistake, thanks for correcting me. I’m using ‘trusted_proxies’ on my setup without issue, I didn’t know ‘trusted networks’ was being phased out

I have it up and running again! Still figuring out some of the integrations (doesn’t seem to be seeing the sensor events from mqtt) and the UI looks like a mess now, but Wink is back online and basic functionality is working again. Thanks all for your help!