Upgrading HomeAssistant in Docker

Keep it out of the /config folder to avoid any difficulties as the compose.yaml dictates where the /config folder is. I keep mine in the folder ‘above’ /config, but it could be anywhere.

I use an approach like this:

/data - all my app data lives under here
/data/docker - compose file, environment files, secrets, etc
/data/homeassistant - HA config folder
/data/zigbee2mqtt - Zigbee2MQTT config folde

Then when I back up /data/ I get everything that matters.

Just noticed that since 2024.1.3 version, copy config folder to new version, won’t get existing configuration moved to new version of HA. Tried on 2024.1.3 and 2024.2. Any idea?

Problem solved. I have to map the container folder and copy config folder including all hidden folders to new HA to transfer all data. Tested with 2024.2.2 upgrade. Works fine.

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Hi, regarding docker upgrade, what will happen if the upgrade needs data changes?
For instance, in 2024.8 services and now called actions so I guess that there is a script or something that will replace “service” to “action” in some files (like automation). As these are user data, what will happen if I just recreate the docker with the latest (or stable as you wish ;)) image?

Will HA detects that this is a new version and perfom a migration script at first login for instance?

Thank you for your answer

Doesn’t matter how you run HA - breaking changes to YAML require manual action.

No, because as the release notes say this doesn’t need you to change anything.

The release notes (above) explain what will happen.