Thanks for your report. I’m glad you solved it already.
As you’ve already found out, some Philips Hue devices do require another intermediate update. These updates should also be in the zigbee-ota repo but it doesn’t seem to be present for your device (imageType: 270). This should probably be added in the future (and then marked with minFileVersion /maxFileVersion).
If you have another device that doesn’t update, you can check the “history” of the index.json file in the zigbee-ota repo, as it might contain links to the older updates.
That might work for Zigbee2MQTT which uses zigbee-herdsman-converters as its dependency, but I do not think that just adding index.json to ZHA works which relies on zigpy library as its dependency. See:
curious if anyone having success updating their HUE devices? I manually downloaded the firmware files to the ota folder fron the .json file, updated the config to include the ota path… but there are more fields here than mentioned above - what is to be placed here?:
They’ve been pulled from the main repo temporarily until Z2M is able to correctly parse all images. It already works fine with ZHA though.
EDIT: They’re in the main repo now.
Just bookmark the main file: zigbee-OTA/index.json at master · Koenkk/zigbee-OTA · GitHub The current Hue updates should be there soon-ish (when Z2M is fixed)The current Hue updates are there now and future Hue updates should be merged into the main repo, as soon as I get them.
I think OTA updates with HA’s update entities are planned but it could still take very long, due to time constraints and other stuff being important important.
Do you remember which file you downloaded? For the life of me i cannot get the firmware to update on my LWB014 bulbs. The file transfers to the bulb and then nothing updates. I have tried a bunch of different file versions that ive found and they wont update. I have 6 LWB014 bulbs and they are all on different fw versions.
Crappy thing is 1.46 is where the power on restore state was implimented. I have about 36 bulbs in total, so i know how to update the bulbs and where to get firmware files. A link to the working fw would be great!
Latest attempt was with : 100B-010C-01002100-ConfLight-Lamps_0012.zigbee
OTA upgrade progress: 99.8
OTA upgrade_end handler for 'Philips LWB014': status=Status.SUCCESS, manufacturer_id=4107, image_type=268, file_version=16786688
(So first, only put the 100B-010C-01001A02-ConfLight-Lamps_0012.zigbee file in your OTA directory, then update all bulbs to that and then do that with the other file)
I did try: 100B-010C-01001A02-ConfLight-Lamps_0012.zigbee
as i figured it may be too large of a change from one version to the next. I dug through the commit history to try to find an earlier version. I will give your link a go and see if it provides better results.
and yes, i have stripped all files out of the ota dir so i know its going to only use the one file there.