Upgrading to 0.107

looking good


you NEED to DELETE all group: bits

yes I know I was told but I miss sum and it broke

My tip

take backup SNAPSHOT download it put in safe place

go into vs-code



and do a search for group:


the ones you are looking for are the


in the above picture Ihave one in the sprinkler.yaml file

then by clicking on the group the file will open and now you can delete that selection.


take other backup SNAPSHOT download it put in safe place

NOW do the upgrade to 0.107

and it works why I have just done the above steps

0.107 is still in beta. So you should be discussing this on the beta discord.

Also your post is very confusing. It sounds like you are recommending people delete all their groups. This is not required. Only the depreciated options and services relating to the old SatesUI need to be removed.

Official notes on groups from the RC notes:

  • Groups - Groups are NOT being removed, but the configuration options, services, and service options related to the (previously deprecated and now removed) States UI are now removed in this release. This includes:
  • The view and control configuration options for a group.
  • The group.set_visibility service call
  • The control , visible , view options on the group.set service callPlease ensure your configuration and automations do not use these anymore. - (@frenck - #32021) (group docs)

I still stand by my wording

i upgrade to 0107 and the groups I miss broke it

im just letting user know the steps I did to fix

as i had miss some group: in my home assistant which broke

had to do a fresh install of HA and a snapshot recovery (good test or a snapshout)

I love HA and there mine set they are in the right space ( been doing home automation over 21 year)

there are going to be more breaking changes that will break user HA im just letting user know how to fix it

0.107 has not yet been released. You upgraded to a beta version that is going to have issues that will be corrected before general release.

No, you are confusing people with a very unclear post. What did you actually delete? It is not at all clear from your post. Did you delete all your groups or did you only delete the depreciated services and options?

I have no idea what this means.

The breaking changes will be documented clearly (unlike your post) when the next version is released.

ok bro

you win

I read release 0.107 beta 6
so you’re using a beta release, no doubt

Hello, I used groups as well for my automations. E.g.swich off all lights or closing my cover. Now, with the Version 107 I can’t see my groups. What could be my alternative? How can I use he groups for my automations?


Remove all options that are no longer supported from your groups (e.g. view:)

The only valid group options are listed under configuration variables here:

Sorry, I didn’t understand.
I have it like the docu. And without groups, I’m lost.


    name: Alle Lichter EG
      - light.buero
      - light.esszimmer_aussen
      - light.esszimmer_tisch

For all your groups?

Also do you use any of the depreciated group services in your automations or scripts?

I found my problem. I still had groups from the old view like “default_view:” after removing, it works perfect.


Same bro

With these breaking changes I can live with good time clean up in code

man it look beater every update can’t wait for the hole number lol