Upgrading to 0.92.0

Hi All,

I had pretty smooth upgrade to last version, aside from one minor issue.
Every time i refresh my home page hassio lovelace i have an error in my log file.

there is no issue, everything is working good, only error written in the log file.

Tried clear cache from Chrome browser without success.

Any ideas?

yea, see those errors too, using nabu casa here

2019-04-25 21:45:40 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201904240] https://xxx.ui.nabu.casa/frontend_latest/app.7ac4ac3c.js:2:60391 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

Same here, anyone figured out a solution for this yet?

Ditto. :crossed_fingers:

Try updating to 0.92.1. I had a similar issue, that was gone after the update.

Ironically, I’m just noticing this today, after updating to 0.92.1.

Same issue here. Upgraded to 0.92.1.

Same issue also at version 0.93.1

A similar one occuring both for the local and cloud URL:

2019-05-28 10:39:22 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201905140] https://x.x.x/frontend_latest/app.a259a502.js:2:59238 TypeError: can’t convert undefined to object

Currently running 0.93.0

Cannot reproduce it clicking on every lovelace tab or elsewhere in the frontend.