Upgrading to HAOS 12.3 breaks Alsa Audio in Notifier add-on from guido-syseng

Notifier Add-on won’t play anymore stereo 44.1 KHz wav audio files since HAOS 12.3
Others files play fine but i did not test every formats…
Downgrading OS to 12.2 restores full fonctionality of Alsa Audio in this add-on.
See below captures of Notifier Add-on log, settings of a working file and non-working file.
2024-05-20 123304 Alsa Audio problem with Notifier Addon and HAOS 12.3 (Core-2024.5.4) - notifier logs

A still working file:
2024-05-20 123304 Alsa Audio problem with Notifier Addon and HAOS 12.3 (Core-2024.5.4) - working file

not anymore workin file:

I would log an issue for the integration on GitHub.

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Done :wink:

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I solved the problem of 44 kHz files, at least in my test environment and created a new version of the Notifier Add-on. I am waiting to declare the problem as resolved.

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