Upgrading to Home Assistant 2024.8 the Alexa Media Player integration stopped working

Stoke of genius, this worked for me. Cheers mate!

It worked for me too… domain amazon.it

thanks for that. it works fine!

no sound output on my device

Thanks. That worked for me. All device available.

Use your file code editor. Open Alexa_media, then open the manifest.json file.

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Thanks so much. That worked for me !!! :slight_smile:

Same here, not getting any errors but Alexa devices showing unavailable.

I’m also getting all devices unavailable

As mentioned below my original post, this worked but devices don’t respond. Some entities show unavailable and all devices show “standby”. Automations with actions that announce to an Alexa media player complete as successful but no announcement is played over the target device.

Hi there! At today, with latest update seems to work correctly. I have reloaded the integration, relogin from restart and the devices now are working. The automations have been relinked well.
The only thing doesn’t still work is the temperature. I hope it will be fixed soon
Thank you!

For those still having problems:

All my alexa devices disappeared after the HA 2024-8 update, how I solved it:

  • I went back to the last backup;
  • Updated again to 2024-8;
  • Updated Alexa integration to 4.12.7;
  • I clicked on reconfigure Alexa.
    Now everything is working.

Thanks. That worked for me

Worked for me also.

Hi all

After the upgrade I get this error - what is the solution to this?

All the details I fill in are correct

Try changing "alexapy==1.28.2" to "alexapy>=1.28.2" , then reload.

I’ll try, but sorry for the question… it’s the same version number, what does it give?

Try changing "alexapy== xxx to “alexapy=1.28.2”` , then reload.

It’s not the version number which is causing you an issue this time. It’s the symbols right before it.

Try >= instead of ==, like you have next to packaging and wrapt