I don’t suppose this component works OOTB with hass.io? Reluctant to try it, as I assume I need hassbian plus the UPS Pico extensions, can anyone confirm? Many thanks
This looks great. I have a Pico UPS on my Pi so will test tonight. Is there any documentation - could use guidance on what to add to to my configuration.yaml to get this working.
I am sorry for late answer - I am spending more time outdoor than indoor this season
Just updated readme for custom component - see this: https://github.com/milanvo/hass-components
Not tested with hass.io - using and developing on standard Raspbian / Hassbian. You can try to put in Hass.io config dir, not sure if it will work.
As i could not use the solution by milanvo on my HA, i have done some research and have good results by using pijuice ups python integrationas as a base, but modify i2c addresses. Still under progress, but now i can see charging state and IO status. About charging… its tricky, as i have to connect and solder a resistor beetween charge leds hot point to one of the pico AD input to be able to check that charge is active or not. (Software charge state is not represents the real status of charging or not)
You are see pijuice, but actually its a pico as described above…will work on it.