UPS System Monitoring Card

The way things are setup works just fine. I also know some of these cards take up more space than my screen\HA will allow. I am just looking for proof of concept for one. Would the last one from 16 hours ago work by Liam for messing around with and testing or is the code still not optimal in your view?

The code in the op works fine but as per recommendations the code from 16 hours should be the best solution so far so give that 1 a go :+1:

Different people have different preferences.
Some different solutions are difficult to compare.

But some approaches which were posted here are not optimal. I already explained it here:
Consider a stack with inner stacks/cards (some of them could be graphs). Assume you want to compose some inner element (like a label) dynamically. Then you decide to nest the whole stack into config-template-card (CTC). Then ALL cards will be inside CTC. Since these cards have entities - you will have to declare ALL these entities as “monitored” by CTC. And the graph card will redraw itself on every entity’s change - which will cause flickering. Same about a gauge card inside CTC (if someone decides place it).
A possible correct way - place ONLY the card with dynamic element inside CTC. Or do not use CTC - use other cards supporting templates like a markdown.

That was a most important observation.
Other things - like “card-mod”, “use or not layout-card” - are a matter of personal taste / choice / educational goals.

Call me a HA enthuaist or hobbyist. I am not familiar with scripting in YAML. So for me whatever is easiest and works. But thanks for explanation. Will probably reread this thread a few times some more.

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There were plenty of similar cases with a floorplan.
This is a picture-elements card with plenty of sub-elements.
And people placed the whole picture-elements card inside CTC and then complained smth like “floorplan constantly flickers”, “a webpage freezes” etc.

Hi…thanks, used your code to create my version … though needed some changes as I have to use :host multiple times as not possible to remove borders otherwise

type: entities
  - type: custom:hui-element
    card_type: markdown
    content: |
      APC --- BX1200 --- {{states('sensor.apc_status')}}
      style: |
        ha-card {
          color: var(--mdc-theme-primary);
          border: none;
  - type: custom:hui-element
      style: |
        :host {
          --stack-card-margin: 50px;
          --ha-card-border-radius: 22px;
          --ha-card-border-width: 0px;
    card_type: horizontal-stack
      - type: picture
        image: /local/images/devices/aps_ups1.jpg
          style: |
            ha-card {
              width: 150px !important;
              height: 100px !important;
            img {
              height: 100px !important;
      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: sensor.apc_battery_runtime
        name: Remaining
        icon: mdi:battery-high
        layout: icon_name_state2nd
        show_icon: true
        show_state: true
  - type: custom:bar-card
    columns: 2
    entity_row: true
      icon: inside
      indicator: 'off'
      name: inside
      value: inside
      - entity: sensor.apc_battery_charge
        name: Battery
        icon: mdi:battery-high
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
          - from: 0
            to: 33
            color: red
          - from: 34
            to: 66
            color: orange
          - from: 67
            to: 100
            color: green
      - entity: sensor.apc_load
        name: Load
        icon: mdi:gauge
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
          - from: 0
            to: 33
            color: green
          - from: 34
            to: 66
            color: orange
          - from: 67
            to: 100
            color: red
      style: |
        :host {
            --ha-card-border-width: 0px;
        ha-card { 
          --paper-item-icon-color: var(--primary-text-color);
        bar-card-currentbar, bar-card-backgroundbar {
        border-radius: 22px; /* Adjust the radius as needed */
  - type: custom:hui-element
    card_type: entities
      style: |
        :host {
          --ha-card-border-width: 0px;
      - entity: sensor.apc_input_voltage
        name: Input Voltage
        icon: mdi:power-plug
      - entity: sensor.apc_battery_voltage
        name: Battery Voltage
        icon: mdi:battery-charging-high
  - type: section
  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
    name: Battery last 7 days
      style: |
        :host {
          --ha-card-border-width: 0px;
    icon: mdi:battery-charging-60
      - entity: sensor.apc_battery_charge
        hours_to_show: 168
        graph: line
        detail: 2
        name: 'Battery '
    font_size: 80
    line_width: 1.5
    lower_bound: ~0
      extrema: true
      icon: true

ok, hope this helps people. Requires some HACS integrations, which all the examples here also require. It’s hard to work out what I have installed too. I guess I should have documented it all: custom:config-template-card, custom:hui-element.

This is a bit more modular that previous examples. In theory, you just change the values of the variables at the top. If you need more or less entities at the bottom, just add or remove. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to make that part dynamic like with a for loop over an array.

oh, and sorry about any spelling mistakes.

type: custom:config-template-card
  ups_picture_url: >-
    t => { return
  entity_ups_name: states['sensor.ups01_name']
  entity_ups_type: states['sensor.ups01_apc1500_smart_type']
  entity_ups_status: states['sensor.ups01_status']
  entity_ups_time_left: states['sensor.ups01_time_left']
  ups_time_left_max: 60
  ups_time_left_text: t => { return 'Runtime Remaining'; }
  bar_card1_sensor: states['sensor.ups01_load']
  bar_card1_sensor_text: t => { return 'Load'; }
  bar_card1_sensor_units: t => { return '%'; }
  bar_card1_sensor_icon: t => { return 'mdi:generator-stationary'; }
  bar_card1_sensor_max: 100
  bar_card2_sensor: states['sensor.ups01_apc1500_smart_load_watts']
  bar_card2_sensor_text: t => { return 'Load'; }
  bar_card2_sensor_units: t => { return 'Watts'; }
  bar_card2_sensor_icon: t => { return 'mdi:generator-stationary'; }
  bar_card2_sensor_max: 1500
  entity1: states['sensor.ups01_apc1500_smart_ups_temperature_probe1']
  entity1_text: t => { return 'Temperrature Server Cabinet'; }
  entity2: states['sensor.ups01_apc1500_smart_ups_temperature_probe2']
  entity2_text: t => { return 'Temperrature Ceiling Cavity'; }
  entity3: states['sensor.ups01_battery']
  entity3_text: t => { return 'Battery Charge'; }
  entity4: states['sensor.ups01_input_voltage']
  entity4_text: t => { return 'Input Voltage'; }
  entity5: states['sensor.ups01_internal_temperature']
  entity5_text: t => { return 'Internal Temperature'; }
  entity6: states['sensor.ups01_last_self_test']
  entity6_text: t => { return 'Last Self Test'; }
  - ${vars['entity_ups_name'].entity_id}
  - ${vars['entity_ups_type'].entity_id}
  - ${vars['entity_ups_status'].entity_id}
  - ${vars['entity_ups_time_left'].entity_id}
  - ${vars['bar_card1_sensor'].entity_id}
  - ${vars['bar_card2_sensor'].entity_id}
  - ${vars['entity1'].entity_id}
  - ${vars['entity2'].entity_id}
  - ${vars['entity3'].entity_id}
  - ${vars['entity4'].entity_id}
  - ${vars['entity5'].entity_id}
  - ${vars['entity6'].entity_id}
  type: entities
  title: >-
    ${ vars['entity_ups_name'].state + ' --- ' + vars['entity_ups_type'].state +
    ' --- ' + vars['entity_ups_status'].state}
    - type: custom:hui-element
      card_type: horizontal-stack
        - type: picture
          image: ${ ups_picture_url() }
        - type: gauge
          entity: ${vars['entity_ups_time_left'].entity_id}
          max: ${vars['ups_time_left_max']}
          name: ${ ups_time_left_text() }
    - type: custom:hui-element
      card_type: horizontal-stack
        - type: custom:bar-card
          show_icon: true
          align: split
          columns: 1
            icon: inside
            indicator: inside
            name: inside
            value: inside
            - value: 50
              color: "#3498db"
            - value: 75
              color: "#f39c12"
            - value: 100
              color: "#e45e65"
          entity: ${vars['bar_card1_sensor'].entity_id}
          max: ${vars['bar_card1_sensor_max'])
          unit_of_measurement: ${ bar_card1_sensor_units() }
          name: ${ bar_card1_sensor_text() }
          icon: ${ bar_card1_sensor_icon() }
          entity_row: true
            action: none
            action: none
        - type: custom:bar-card
          show_icon: true
          align: split
          columns: 1
            icon: inside
            indicator: inside
            name: inside
            value: inside
            - value: 50
              color: "#3498db"
            - value: 75
              color: "#f39c12"
            - value: 100
              color: "#e45e65"
          entity: ${vars['bar_card2_sensor'].entity_id}
          max: ${vars['bar_card2_sensor_max'])
          unit_of_measurement: ${ bar_card2_sensor_units() }
          name: ${ bar_card2_sensor_text() }
          icon: ${ bar_card2_sensor_icon() }
          entity_row: true
            action: none
            action: none
    - type: divider
    - entity: ${vars['entity1'].entity_id}
      name: ${ entity1_text() }
    - entity: ${vars['entity2'].entity_id}
      name: ${ entity2_text() }
    - entity: ${vars['entity3'].entity_id}
      name: ${ entity3_text() }
    - entity: ${vars['entity4'].entity_id}
      name: ${ entity4_text() }
    - entity: ${vars['entity5'].entity_id}
      name: ${ entity5_text() }
    - entity: ${vars['entity6'].entity_id}
      name: ${ entity6_text() }
type or paste code here

With my all due respect - this is one of the most ineffective use of config-template-card (CTC).
Check how the Gauge card behaves, for instance. And how everything flickers.
Ofc your code is a good learning example - but not optimal at all.
CTC should be used as minimal as possible and it should never ever be on the topmost level. Was explained several times in this very thread.