Uptime-kuma to home-assistant

I have installed this Addon, but I still do not know how to use Uptime Kuma to monitor availability of my HA instance

How did you get this view? I cannot find the different monitors I setup in KUMA?

I’m new to Uptime Kuma, but I’ve managed to set it up. I get the sensors, both of them for each monitor, and I’m trying to create some nice visualizations for them. The only downside seems to be the refresh rate of the sensors themselves. I want to use the response_time attribute in a graph, but it seems the attributes update at the same time with the sensors, so if my monitor is up for days I get the same value of the response time attribute for days in a row, displaying nothing but a straight line in my graph. This defeats the purpose of having the attribute itself. Does anyone have a solution for this, or at least a workaround?

Thank you