Uptime sensor

A sensor for the uptime of home assistant and the underlying os would be could.

If you add this into your sensors.yaml, you’ll have an OS uptime sensor :slight_smile:

  - platform: command_line
    name: Uptime OS
    command: uptime | sed 's/.*up \([^,]*\), .*/\1/'
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You can also use the systemmonitor component which will give you last boot date and time since last boot.

I use this along with Glances for a pretty robust monitoring system:

You are right the system monitor shows the system uptime. But there is no uptime for the hass process itself.

That’s why I said ‘also’. :wink:

@runningman84: I have a sensor that reports the last start time of HA. It basically just looks at the last_triggered attribute of a notifcation automation that runs at HA start.

        value_template: '{% if states.automation.startup_notification and states.automation.startup_notification.attributes.last_triggered %}
                           {{ as_timestamp(states.automation.startup_notification.attributes.last_triggered) | timestamp_custom("%b %d %X") }}
                         {% else %}
                         {% endif %}'
        friendly_name: HA Last Restart

A bit of a hack, but it works well.


Can someone please explain why this sensor FAILS to update. It appears to work ONCE - on startup - but the value / state never changes:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Uptime'
      unit_of_measurement: 'sec'
      value_template: >
        {{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.input_boolean.ha_uptime.last_changed)) | round(0) }}

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Raspberry Pi2 Hassbian Uptime'
      unit_of_measurement: 'days'
      value_template: >
        {{ (states.sensor.ha_uptime_sec.state | float / 86400) | round(0) }}

I got the basic idea from everybody’s favorite my favorite HASS guru Ben of @bruhautomation , and it seems to work fine as a trigger condition but not as a sensor.

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… oh and I forgot to mention, input_boolean.ha_uptime is just a hidden/dummy input boolean which is never touched.

  name: Home Assistant Uptime
  initial: on

@tggman: You need to add sensor.time to your sensor config, like this:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Uptime'
      unit_of_measurement: 'sec'
      value_template: >
        {{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.input_boolean.ha_uptime.last_changed)) | round(0) }}
      entity_id: sensor.time
- platform: time_date
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It worked! Thanks so much. I had to add both the entity_id to the uptime sensor AND the sensor platform time_date.

(1) I really would like to understand what the entity_id sensor.time is and why it was necessary to add it to this particular sensor in order to get the Uptime sensor to UPDATE properly. Doesn’t the event bus service/update all the sensors at a regular time interval?
(2) Why was adding the sensor platform time_date necessary? Without it, the Uptime sensor failed to update. In short, why does this inter-dependence exist?

Apparently I lack a basic understanding of how sensors are updated and would like to learn. So any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Can I use this command somehow to get the uptime from a remote machine? :thinking:

yeah , wondering the same thing, how can we use that command for a remote PI for example? :slight_smile:did you ever figured this out?

Thanks to all you guys for helping me to figure out how jinja works and how to write scripts. This is my 1st attempt. I also wanted create a sensor to detect the uptime after a restart of the server control so that my automations can run after a few minutes to give HA time to process all the switches and update itself and stabilise.

1st thing is put this in the sensor.yaml file as discussed:-

  • platform: uptime
    name: Time Online

I gave it a friendly name of Time Online.

And now for the script:-

  friendly_name: "UpTime"
  value_template: >-
    {% set startdate = states('sensor.time_online')[0:10]+'T00:00:00.000000+02:00' %}
    {% set nowdate = now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+' 00:00:00.000000+02:00' %}
    {% set daydifference = ((as_timestamp(nowdate)-as_timestamp(startdate))/86400 )|round(0) %}
    {% set startsecs = (states('sensor.time_online')[17:19]|int)+ 
                       (states('sensor.time_online')[11:13]|int)*3600 %}
    {% set nowdate = now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+'.000000+02:00' %}
    {% set nowsecs = (nowdate[17:19]|int)+ 
                       + (86400*daydifference) %}
    {% set secondsdifference = nowsecs - startsecs %}

The variable are used as follows:-

  • startdate -> The date/time when the HAS has restarted in, stamped in the sensor time_online only using year, month and day.
  • nowdate -> The date retrieved from the now() which will be your current time only using year, month and day.
  • daydifference -> calculating how many days have passwed between startdate and nowdate
  • startsecs -> calculates amount of seconds from midnight up till the time recorded in time_online
  • nowsecs -> calculates amount of seconds from midnight up till the time recorded in time_online as well as adding amount of seconds per day [86400 for every day difference there is between the 2 dates.
  • secondsdifference -> difference between the 2 time periods in seconds

In the developer Tools under states, you will see a new entity [sensor.time_online] which now updates itself every 30 sec.