URGENT help for connecting homeassistant

Please . I need URGENT help .
I have My homeassistant on raspberry Pi 4
I have been using it for about 2 years.
The storage was full 100%. . I put usb in Rasberry trying to movie homeassistant to usb 129 gb.
Something wrong maybe happened.
I am trying to connect to home assistant but it’s showing wrong 1004

I removed the usb and power from raspberry and powered it again without usb . It’s still showing the error.

How can I solve this:
To connect to homeassistant
And to solve the full memory problem ( I followed instruction abut full memory by removing backup and other files and it didn’t help )

Best regards

NSURLError’s are caused by SSL issues. Check if your HA still has the same IP address.

Out of the box Home Assistant does NOT use https

This can occur when a host name resolves, but the host is down or may not be accepting connections on a certain port.
NSURLErrorCannotConnectToHost | Apple Developer Documentation

Thank you for answering me.
I need more help. 1,2,3. What to do and what do I have to check .
Sorry I am not expert that’s why I need more details :slightly_smiling_face:

First check what IP the PI has now, and then open a browser and go to http://:8123

For Storage, check if you have filled the disk with backup files. Not much room there.
Also Disk space being eaten up - #9 by mjvanderveen.

This is what I am trying to do.
I found the ip address of my homeassistant under my router setting’s. I think it’s the same:
I put it in the browser and also tried under homeassistant app to add a server

But it didn’t work
I got this again

What I did . Fortunately I had a backup in google drive. I reinstalled homeassistant from start , then I used the backup to get my homeassistant back .

After I reinstalled homeassistant . I used these orders in the terminal.
Now my storage is down to 49% :+1: