Urgent! MQTT devices unavailable

I have an urgent problem. I use EMQX as a dedicated MQTT broker on a separate server with many a few services connected to it. Zigbee2MQTT, Zwave2MQTT, node-red, watermeters and so on. All of these are sending updates to EMQX and I can also se my HA instance being connected to EMQX.
No matter in which order I restart things all my MQTT sensors and devices are unavailable in HA. This seems to have happened after I upgraded HACS to 2.0, before that all was fine.
HA is version 2024.8.2.

Any ideas where I should start digging?


I don’t know if upgrading HACS could do that.

I also doubt it, but it’s the only change I know of. Plenty of restart before that

HA can listen to topics in MQTT and get the json but it’s like all discovered MQTT devices are unavailable.

Update: Manually configured MQTT binary_sensors, like 433mhz switches, seems to work.

Anyway. I removed the MQTT integration from HA and added it again. After a reboot of the different MQTT appliances I got the devices back into HA, under new names though so I have some administrative tasks ahead.

Sounds like the service providing the entities “decided” to change things around for the worse.

Doesn’t feel very “consumer grade”.