URI for diferent shoping list


I find this a very interesting “todo” integration.

I personally have the shopping list items organized by store.

This allows me along with the zones of each store to automate this:

alias: Shopping list store XXX
description: ""
  - platform: zone
    entity_id: person.jhon_doe
    zone: zone.aldi
    event: enter
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_jhon_doe
      message: Here is your shopping list
          - action: URI
            title: View shopping list
            uri: /todo
mode: single

I wonder if in the uri you can navigate directly to the list of that store?

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Same question here + how to create a condition that you will only get a notification when at least 1 item is on the list

The todo list state is the number of unchecked items. So use a numeric state condition.

- condition: numeric_state
  entity_id: todo.my_todo_list
  above: 0

EDIT: also I have an untested automation (I’m 5000km away from my zones), that I will post here for the answer to the rest of the question when I have access to my config later today or tomorrow.

Evidently I have of course finished zones and todos, e.g.


atitude: 40.325468949088766
longitude: -1.0943815112113955
radius: 18
passive: false
persons: []
editable: true
icon: mdi:map-marker
friendly_name: Aldi

and the shoping-list of:


icon: mdi:cart
friendly_name: Aldi
supported_features: 15

And so on to different stores…
The problem is in the service:

  - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_jhon_doe
      message: Here is your shopping list
          - action: URI
            title: View shopping list
            uri: /todo

The action URI only allows /todo.

I have the same issue right now as I wanted to create an automation for shopping list reminders upon entering a zone. Due to multiple lists I only managed to open the last used one for now. Couldn’t find a direct link for a specific list. Also, entityId:<IDofShoppingList> does not work either.

Any ideas?

Solved in 2023.12

- service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_jhon_doe
      message: Here is your shopping list
          - action: URI
            title: View shopping list
            uri: /todo?entity_id=todo.aldi



This does not work for me.

EDIT: Oh I have to long press the message.

Thank you so much, it’s working now

There is still one thing in this action I don’t understand, why should I long press instead of tap?

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