URL for Synology NAS running Media Server needed

Hi, i have the synology media server up and running. Music is shown Windows Media player, is able to connect to the Music and albums on this server but… Now i want to connect the Media Server to HA. I used the following string to connect :

I get this message in the logging:
2019-11-17 20:07:27 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player] Platform dlna_dmr not ready yet. Retrying in 30 seconds.

Searched today for tools that can recover the url for me, but i failed here.

I think there could be several issues playing here: portnumber, credentials, or the xml file.
How knows the right connection string for the Synology Media Server?


Hi, edegraaff, any update on this topic. I have the same issue…

Nope no progress, i am sorry.

It’s not on my priority list but I keep you posted if I find a solution.