I recently flashed an ESP32 with ESPHOME to integrate it into my homeassistant installation.
My current progress:
ESP32 running on battery (CR123A) along a US-100 ultrasonic sensor to measure the remaining liters in my oil tank.
Everything works fine. The ESP starts up, takes 5 measurements and the median is then converted into liters, which is then scraped by the homeassistant via API. Afterwards the ESP goes into deepsleep for 6 hours and the cycle continues.
I now saw, that the US-100 also has a temperature sensor and I was wondering, how I could get the date of it too. I saw, that with some arduino sketches, it seems to not be a huge problem, but I have no clue how to achieve this with ESPHOME
thanks for pointing me to this repository! Will check that tonight.
I just wanted to add all my findings of yesterday evening and I was already at the stage that I had it in UART mode and tried to follow the guide for adding a custom UART component to esphome. Sadly I could not get it to work yet as I do not have that much C++ know how.
short update from my side.
The repository works well but I hit another problem. It seems that es sensor together with the ESP32 draw too much power from the intended CR123a battery and so I only get confusing readings. When pluuged to a powerbank it works perfectly, but this is no solution for the intendet usecase.
I now ordered an esp8266 as it draws less power than the esp32 … maybe I can get it to work with this