Can somebody, definitively, explain to me how to configure USB ports in a setup with Hass.IO on Docker, on Ubuntu (Server 18.04) on an Intel NUC? I have both an Aeotec Z-Wave stick (5gen) and a Conbee II Zigbee stick that I would like to use and so far I have been fairly unsuccessful. I have scoured these forums as well as the subreddit and have found partial answers to my questions but none of them seem to work, or (most probably) I’m doing something wrong that I can’t figure out.
What I know:
- I have both the sticks connecting and they kind of work when I reference them as /dev/ttyACM0 and /dev/ttyACM1, but as is often mentioned here this isn’t a reliable way of referencing since at boot these references can get mixed up.
- I have tried using /dev/serial/by-id/etcetc but Deconz complains most of the times and ZWave simply stops working altogether.
- I have tried setting up udev rules and adding a pass through to the homeassistant docker using Portainer (Portainer installed separately next to Hass.IO, not as a Hass.IO add-on). I can see the udev rules being picked up by Ubuntu, but passing through to Hass.IO doesn’t seem to work since they are not visible through SSH and the System > Hardware tab in the Hass.IO screen.
- I have ruled out, I think, that something might be wrong with the sticks because things seem to work correctly if I connect only one of the two and there is no doubt over which stick is ttyACM0.
- I did notice something about adding a user to the “dialout” group, but I’m not entirely sure which user and how to add this (command line, through Portainer)? This is in relation to the pass through with the udev rules.
Many thanks to anyone willing to think with me on this problem! I’m very aware that this probably has to do with my lack of experience with Linux, I just can’t seem to put the right bits of information together to make this work. Thanks again!
I didn’t get a definitive answer on my first question, however I got other stuff fixed in regard to Zigbee.