USB dongle vs Pi modules and device brand

Hi All,

Looking at Sonoff devices and I have a Rapsberry Pi4b without any dongle installed yet and am interested in using Zigbee. Ideally I would like to use a Raspberry Pi module like Raspbee ii but none of the Sonoff devices are listed as compatible.

Does it really matter which Zigbee dongle module I use? I might use Sonoff but then may use Aqara devices, etc. I just want to have the best compatibility and not have to worry.

Might be a dumc question but I am doing my research before I move into my house and start installing a bunch of devices all over the place.


My advice, use zigbee2mqtt and one of these coordinators.

Yes the coordinator matters immensely.

I agree on the recommendation about Zigbee2mqtt, but if you live in EU the tubezb coordinators can be expensive (I paid almost as much for VAT and ‘custom declaration costs’ as I paid for the coordinator)

So in that case look for one that ship from the EU from this list :

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Thank you both. The Tubezb are out of stock from what I can see anyway but yes I am in Europe.

Sonoff has a dongle available that I was looking into. Would it work with other product such as Aqara for example?

if it is the sonoff CC2531, don’t waste your time and money on it. It comes with outdated firmware, and the CC2531 is a bad coordinator anyway.

That’s the one… I’ll pass then and revisit the list you had sent earlier?

Any experience with the Pi modules vs USB dongles?

Usb dongle or ethernet connected is the way to go.

I’ve bought around 6 or 7 Sonoff devices and found them to be flaky and of questionable quality. A couple of others have said the same. I think the problem has been cheap Chinese junk so, essentially, throwing money away on rubbish.
After buying from other sources, I am now disinclined to buy cheap on Aliexpress or eBay from a Chinese seller.

Thank you for the honest feedback. Any brands you recommend looking into then (even if not using Zigbee)?

if you want a bargain :

That is the good one.

But has a strange 21 direct child limit, as against, say, tubes 50.


Jaguaza 11 hours ago


But I imagine that it will be limited to 20 children as sonoff says on its website.


Koenkk 11 hours ago


I’m not sure why they say that, CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20210120 doesn’t have such limit. I will ask them

That could be promising. I was looking into the HUBs a bit more but a universal dongle seems to be the way to go indeed. Will have to see when/if it is available in Europe.

Would it means you could only connect 20 devices to it? That sounds pretty useless if you can´t connect more than 20 devices, no?

See here for an explanation about direct children and total devices:

Thank you. Much to learn I see. Really hoping from what I am reading that CHIP/Matter will simplify things just too bad it is not available yet.

I know I have posted this before, but you made me do it again :slight_smile: