USB extenders over ethernet with zwave stick - has anyone done this?

I’d like to have my raspberry pi in one location and my zwave usb stick in another. One option is to use an ethernet based usb extender. Cheaper ones come in USB 1 .1 - will that be fast enough for a zwave stick? I could also get one that supports USB 2.0 but it costs much more and requires a power outlet near the zwave stick.

Not zwave, but I’m doing that with my ConBee II Zigbee stick for exactly the reason you mention. Has worked great for several months now.

I’m using this USB 1.0/1.1 extender:

FWIW, it works with my APC UPS as well.

Just reporting back that the monoprice usb extender is working quite well for me.


that’s great! And you haven’t noticed any issues with it being USB 1.0/1.1 instead of 2.0?

No, the transfer rate for USB 1 is plenty for zwave.

There have been a few moments where USB in general has given me grief on my pi, but I literally never think about the usb extender which is high praise.