USB fan switch on and off (USB port power control?)

Hi There,

So my “server cabinet” is a box we built into the back of the laundry wall with a door on the front, the “box” essentially extends out into the void below the back of the house (here it is in the build phase FYI).

I have a standard case fan that I have wired to a USB plug and plugged into my HA box (Dell OptiPlex 9020 Micro). I have this mounted to the top of my server cabinet (not not shown in the link above). This allows air to escape out the top. I also have a Philips Hue indoor sensor at the top/inside of the cabinet.

You could just leave the fan on 24/7, but it would be cool to be able to switch it on/off using the USB port power or something.

Any ideas?

You’re probably NOT looking for an extra piece of kit - although it’s only $10:
SONOFF Micro USB Smart Adaptor - remotely control USB Devices

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Actually that’s cool! And only $10 :laughing:

A siinilink is a better alternative. Can be flashed with Tasmota or ESPhome, the Sonoff can’t


This looks good - thanks for the link.
And, looking atthe description, it might fit @Greminn’s purpose even better:
" If you use the Sinilink WiFi-USB with PWM-compatible devices such as LED lights or a fan: set GPIO05 to PWM instead of Relay , to control the brightness or rotation speed of the device you plug in."

Thanks for that as well! You are correct @chairstacker - this seems a much better fit. Ordered.