Same problem here, bt with zigbee. My zigbee2mqqt was failing once in a while. Rebooting the system resolved it. Today it happened again so i started digging through the log files, there i found in de debug log of zigbee2mqtt that the USB Dongle was suddenly disconnected. Looking into the HA core logfiles i could see at that time not only my zigbee dongle became unavailable, but also my Bluetooth chip and DSMR P1 USB dongle.
If i go into the terminal and do a less /dev/tty… there is no USB device available.
I Also have a Intel Nuc, NUC5i3RYH with HA:
Home Assistant 2023.10.5
Supervisor 2023.10.1
Operating System 11.1
Frontend 20231005.0 - latest
The USB dongle is also extended with a sort usb extend cable (20 cm)
If i go the all hardware under system i see a couple of usb ports listed as:
BUSNUM: '001'
DEVNAME: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
DEVNUM: '001'
DEVPATH: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb1
DEVTYPE: usb_device
ID_BUS: usb
ID_FOR_SEAT: usb-pci-0000_00_1d_0
ID_MODEL: EHCI_Host_Controller
ID_MODEL_ENC: EHCI\x20Host\x20Controller
ID_MODEL_ID: '0002'
ID_PATH: pci-0000:00:1d.0
ID_PATH_TAG: pci-0000_00_1d_0
ID_SERIAL: Linux_6.1.59_ehci_hcd_EHCI_Host_Controller_0000:00:1d.0
ID_SERIAL_SHORT: 0000:00:1d.0
ID_USB_MODEL: EHCI_Host_Controller
ID_USB_MODEL_ENC: EHCI\x20Host\x20Controller
ID_USB_SERIAL: Linux_6.1.59_ehci_hcd_EHCI_Host_Controller_0000:00:1d.0
ID_USB_SERIAL_SHORT: 0000:00:1d.0
ID_USB_VENDOR: Linux_6.1.59_ehci_hcd
ID_USB_VENDOR_ENC: Linux\x206.1.59\x20ehci_hcd
ID_VENDOR: Linux_6.1.59_ehci_hcd
ID_VENDOR_ENC: Linux\x206.1.59\x20ehci_hcd
MAJOR: '189'
MINOR: '0'
PRODUCT: 1d6b/2/601
TAGS: ':seat:'
TYPE: 9/0/0
This is wat the core logfiles tell right before failing all usb ports:
2023-11-01 15:22:22.211 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'temperature' when rendering '{{value_json.temperature}}'
2023-11-01 15:22:23.233 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'temperature' when rendering '{{value_json.temperature}}'
2023-11-01 15:22:24.257 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'temperature' when rendering '{{value_json.temperature}}'
2023-11-01 15:22:25.277 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'temperature' when rendering '{{value_json.temperature}}'
2023-11-01 15:22:26.342 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'temperature' when rendering '{{value_json.temperature}}'
2023-11-01 15:47:31.498 ERROR (SyncWorker_9) [] API returned 401
2023-11-01 16:12:34.818 WARNING (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Could not reset the power state of the Bluetooth adapter hci0 [34:13:E8:24:BF:4D] due to timeout after 5 seconds
2023-11-01 16:12:48.572 WARNING (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Could not cycle the Bluetooth adapter hci0 [34:13:E8:24:BF:4D]: [Errno 110] Operation timed out
2023-11-01 16:12:53.574 WARNING (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Bluetooth adapter hci0 [34:13:E8:24:BF:4D] could not be reset:
2023-11-01 16:14:18.755 ERROR (MainThread) [dsmr_parser.clients.protocol] disconnected due to exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/serial_asyncio/", line 115, in _read_ready
data =
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/serial/", line 595, in read
raise SerialException(
serial.serialutil.SerialException: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)
2023-11-01 16:14:19.164 ERROR (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Unexpected error while attempting USB reset of hci0: [Errno 19] No such device
zigbee2mqtt stopped 16:14:18
Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2023-11-01 16:14:08: Received MQTT message on 'homeassistant/climate/diyless_thermostat_dhw/config' with data '{"name":"DIYLESS DHW","unique_id":"diyless_thermostat_dhw","dev":{"ids":[ "00:00:00:00:00:02" ],"mdl":"DIYLESS Thermostat","sw":"1.7","mf":"DIYLESS"},"~":"diyless_thermostat","avty_t":"~/tele/LWT","pl_avail":"Online","pl_not_avail":"Offline","act_t":"~/stat/things/thermostat/properties","act_tpl":"{{value_json.DHWAction}}","mode_cmd_t":"~/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties/DHWMode","mode_stat_t":"~/stat/things/thermostat/properties","mode_stat_tpl":"{{value_json.DHWMode}}","temp_cmd_t":"~/cmnd/things/thermostat/properties/DHWSetpoint","temp_stat_t":"~/stat/things/thermostat/properties","temp_stat_tpl":"{{value_json.DHWSetpoint}}","curr_temp_t":"~/stat/things/thermostat/properties","curr_temp_tpl":"{{value_json.DHWTemperature}}","pl_on":true,"pl_off":false,"min_temp":"30","max_temp":"80","temp_step":"1","modes":["heat","off"]}'
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-11-01 16:14:18: Adapter disconnected, stopping
Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2023-11-01 16:14:18: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2023-11-01 16:14:18: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state', payload 'offline'
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2023-11-01 16:14:18: Disconnecting from MQTT server
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2023-11-01 16:14:18: Stopping zigbee-herdsman...
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-11-01 16:14:18: Failed to stop Zigbee2MQTT
This allmost looks like drivers failing or something, who can help?