Use Alexa to manage your Home Assistant Shopping List


I’ve built an Alexa Skill which lets you manage your Home Assistant Shopping List via voice commands.

What it can do:

  • Add items to your list
  • Clear done items from your list
  • Ask for the latest items on the list

Pretty basic use cases but that’s exactly and all we need on a daily basis.
Currently only German language is supported but English should be very easy to implement.

You can find instructions on prerequisites and setup in the repository’s README.

Please let me know what you think and if this is useful for anyone else :slightly_smiling_face:

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Awesome, will try this soon.

Is it possible to install everything in the dev portal of Amazon? I use HAOS so the way you do it is not possible for me I guess

You can set up the skill manually in the AWS web console, however you may also run the installation from any computer (doesn’t have to be run from your HA machine) :slight_smile:

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Hi I see in the original post it says it only works with German language but that English language shouldn’t be hard to implement, I wanted to check to see if the English language was ever implemented?


Hey there,
is there any kind of tutorial or so how to install it on Home Assistant OS?
Afaik I cannot do npm and stuff like that.


Sorry for the late reply!

@JimboJones3101 you don’t need to install anything on HA. All you need is an API Key for the Alexa Skill to connect with and for your HA installation to be reachable over the internet :slight_smile:

@paranerd does this work for English, or is it currently limited only to German?

Currently, only German is supported.
But definitely feel free to contribute and add support for English and/or other languages!

Hi @paranerd thank you for sharing this resource. I’ve analyzed your source code and have a question. In skill.sample.json, I see that this skill is called by “Alexa öffne Meine Einkaufsliste”, which I understand as “Alexa, open my shopping list”. Is this the sentence you first have to say to activate the skill, and then say “add bananas”, or does it work by directly asking “Alexa, add bananas to my shopping list”? And if yes, how does that substitutes to Alexa’s standard shopping list? Thank you in advance for your feedback.

In German both work:

(1) “Alexa, öffne meine Einkaufsliste” → “Bananen”


(2) “Alexa, sag meiner Einkaufsliste: Bananen”

The idea was to use (2) for one off additions and (1) if you want to add multiple at one without having to initiate the conversation over and over again.

Alexa differentiates between the skill and the default shopping list by calling it “Meine Einkaufsliste”

Hope that answers it :sunglasses:

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