Use Alexa voice to trigger a HA script

How can I talk to Alexa and have that trigger a HA script? For example - “Alexa, it’s Disney movie night”. That will then trigger a script I have in HA to turn off the ceiling lights, turn on movie lights behind the TV, turn volume to 7, open up Disney app, etc.

I have nabu casa but unclear on how to get something like this to work.

The first step is to make sure the script entity is exposed to Alexa. There are instructions how to do that when using HA Cloud on the Nabu Casa website.

Once the script is exposed you can say “Alexa, tell Home Assistant to turn on *Your script name here*”. If you want a shorter trigger phrase, that avoids the “…tell Home Assistant” part, that has to be set up as a Routine in the Alexa app. Home Assistant’s scripts show up in Routine actions under Smart Home > Scenes.

I have Nabu Casa and I am also unclear of how to integrate Alexa the way I like.

I use the Alexa-Home node by Ben Hardill ( on Node Red. Ben does all the Amazon Web Service gauntlet for you so that controlling almost any Home Assistant function from Alexa remarkably simple.

What I did created a dummy light.

in alexa I made a rule "Make me a coffee " which them set the dummy light to 1%
then have HA sees the light @1% run a automation to turn the kettle ON.