Use Android device as microphone for HA (Wyoming Satellite)

I’m using an android tablet as a wall panel to control HA. Is there a way to register that device in HA as a microphone for the voice assistant? At the moment I’m using a Raspberry Pi running Wyoming Satellite, but it would be nice to integrate the tablets mic as well. Is there an official or at least simple way of doing this?
The idea of course is that the mic is always listening in the background sending a constant audio stream to the Wyoming integration in HA.

I’m using open source software exclusively btw. The tablet is running LineageOS 21 (Android 14) and it’s rooted. I have no gapps.

Currently, your best bet is to use view assists method (stream assist + rtpmic):

So basically the issue is, there is no open source app for android that can stream the microphone to HA?

Would it maybe be possible to run Wyoming Satellite from a terminal in Android?
In Termux for example you can access the mic and speaker of the phone and you can also configure bash scripts to start automatically on boot.

The HA app has Assist build in. That is how I use voice assist via my android phone if I need too.
You may have a look at that.

Yeah, but I need it to listen in the background and get triggered by a wake word instead of physical touch and the HA does not do that as far as I can tell.

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Theoretically it is totally possible to run wyoming satellite in an android device with root access, fundamentally it’s still linux at its core after all. In reality though, you’re going to need to create a python env to manage the dependencies, I also heard of one other person attempting it, not sure if they ever got it to work.

Alternatively, I found a project recently that ported OpenWakeWord to android. I added functionality to call the assist pipeline when it detects a wakeword, but couldn’t figure out how to get the background mic permissions needed to keep it running 24/7.

Edit: I tried to look up the username of the guy who was trying to get wyoming satellite working in android, but it was on the discord, which is nearly unsearchable, and I wasn’t able to find it.

Thanks, I already got it work. :slight_smile: How to: Run Wyoming Satellite on Android
It also runs in the background just fine. I haven’t added OpenWakeWord, but I might do that soon.

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Oh shit, that’s awesome, thanks for posting your solution, I’ll have to try this out!