I have some noisy sensors, so setting-up a comparison to a raw data is quite hard. But the calculated averages would seems to be more than fine! (see raw data in opaque blue and dark averages in the history graph)
Am I somehow able to directly access the already calculated values or do I need to setup a some template sensor for that (not investigated this way, but I believe it will be possible)? Of course I’ve tried to search the docs, but maybe I’m just using wrong keywords.
You may find it useful to have a look at the Statistics sensor. One of these is likely to do what you want. You’ll need to configure this using yaml in you configuration.yaml file.
Maybe I still read it wrong, but the statistics sensor is something I should manually define and then I can use the calculated value. Almost nothing wrong with this approach, but I was searching for a solution, how to use the already existing data (the dark line in the graph). I just find it useless to calculate the same thing twice.
If there’s no way to utilize the already existing data for other purpose then the history graph, I’ll just use the statistics sensor…
Have you found how to use existing statistics?
Im looking to use mean for many sensors and hoping I dont have to create these by hand as data already exists.