Use < character in notification to mobile app

I am trying to send this notification to the mobile app via an automation:

service: notify.mobile_app_oneplus_5
  title: Batterie Faible
  message: >
    {% set sensors = "Batterie google port" %}
    {%if sensors | regex_search(find=',') %}
      {{sensors | replace("Batterie ","") }} ont leurs niveaux de batterie faible (<10%)
      {{sensors | replace("Batterie ","")}} a son niveau de batterie faible (<10%)

However, it contains the special character “<” that simply cuts the message after the opened bracket:

sensor_name a son niveau de batterie faible (

instead of the expected:

sensor_name a son niveau de batterie faible (<10%)

I tried to escape the character with \< or {{"<"}} but it does not work.
However, the same message is sent without a problem if I use the persistent notification service.

Anyone could help me :slight_smile: ?

thanks !

Try &lt; perhaps?


Thanks for the very quick response !
Adding a space after < works too, but the formatting is better with your solution