So my situation is as below:
I have a paramter that is keeping track of how much energy is being produced by my solar panels ‘sensor.solis_energy_today’ (sensor A). However, I recently noticed that this parameter is only going to 0 (reset) after 1 AM, not at 12 AM in line with the “daily energy consumption” guidelines of HA.
Via templates, I created a new sensor ‘sensor.net_solar_today’ (sensor B). This is the corrected parameter so to speak to ensure that it’s value is reset around midnight. The issue is that this sensor does not have the complete history. Is it too late to still “fix” this or can I state somehow: use sensor A before date x, and use sensor B after date x?
The sensor is used in the energy dashboard so it would be a pity to lose data there…
Or can I create a new sensor that is a combination of these sensors?
Thanks in advance for your insights.