Use entity-button to display different light-cards

I’m new to HA and Lovelace so please bear with me.

I want to display my different lights on lovelace with the light-card. But because I have quite many lights, I want to only display 1 room at a time on the light page.

So I figured I’ll use entity-buttons to flip an input_boolean and depending on input_booleans it will display a room.
So created the buttons like this for the first 2 rooms.

- type: horizontal-stack
   - type: entity-button
     name: Livingroom light
     entity: input_boolean.button_livingroom
     tap_action: toggle
   - type: entity-button
     name: Kitchen light
     entity: input_boolean.button_kitchen
     tap_action: toggle

Then created automation which toggles others off, so no more than 1 room will be displaed.

  • alias: Livingroom lights
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.button_livingroom
    to: ‘on’
    service: input_boolean.turn_off
    entity_id: input_boolean.button_kitchen

  • alias: Kitchen lights
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.button_kitchen
    to: ‘on’
    service: input_boolean.turn_off
    entity_id: input_boolean.button_livingroom

This is working fine. Pressing button toggles 1 room on and the other off. :slight_smile: All good so far.
However… Now I want to show cards in lovelace depending on these input_booleans.

Tried several different things, but wont work properly.
Is it possible to somehow use if, elif, else statements in the ui-lovelace.yaml file?
If it is, then I don’t now how. This is not working.

- type: horizontal-stack
  cards: >
    {% if is_state('input_boolean.button_livingroom', 'on') %}
    - type: light
      entity: light.livingroomspots
      name: Spots
    {% elif is_state('input_boolean.button_kitchen', 'on') %}
    - type: light
      entity: light.kitchentable
      name: Kitchentable
    {% else %}
    - type: light
      entity: light.livingroomspots
      name: Spots              
    {% endif %}

Also tried with conditional card, but this wont refresh properly. So it only works if I manually refresh the page or switch to another card and then go back. So the conditional card it the closest to a solution I’ve come.
It works but requires some kind of refresh. Is there some command I could include in the automation that would do this?

  - type: conditional
    - entity: input_boolean.button_livingroom
      state: "on"
        type: light
        entity: light.livingroomspots
        name: Spots

  - type: conditional
    - entity: input_boolean.button_kitchen
      state: "on"
        type: light
        entity: light.kitchentable
        name: Kitchentable

Any help appreciated highly :slight_smile: