Use esphome with HA over USB


I am wondering whether it is possible to connect an esp32 running ESPhome to Home Assistant over theUSB port. I don’t mean to upload the firmware, but to actually bypass Wifi in this way.

I am using one esp32 as a Bluetooth antenna for a bunch of sensors and it has ended up next to my HA machine and Wifi router in the technical cupboard. It’s plugged into the HA machine for usb power in any case, so it seems unnecessary to be using Wifi.

It would be simpler to just get a BLE antenna for the HA machine at this point but why spend money when you don’t have to…


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If you are actually asking if it can be done, I’d guess yes, as I understand from UART Bus — ESPHome that logging over usb is actually working that way.

If you"re asking for code, I can’t help.

Hi! Did you manage to do so? I’m also interested in sort of application of direct connection.

No I never pursued this. In principle there seem to be esp32 boards which contain Ethernet – it may be simpler to just go that way.

OK, thanks anyway!

I’m also interested in this if anyone has found a way.

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I’m also interested in this type of control, since I want to use it without using a router and Wi-Fi