I am using ESPHome on a ESP32s3 board to build domotica into our caravan.
The remote location is the reason I started looking into using MQTT instead of an API connection to get the state of the sensors to Home Assistant.
I have some issues to get this to work. I started a free subscription on HiveMQ to have a internet connected MQTT broker. I think this should work when I use esp-idf as a framework with the certificate_authority parameter, but the thing is that esp-idf can’t be used with GPS since TinyGPS++ is a arduino library and I want to keep using GPS.
Anyone with ideas on how to solve this? I’m very curious
awesome another ESP in an Caravan, here to! with an screen. to monitor everything.
it still needs HA for power monitor (zigbee) and some temperature sensors.
the most temperature sensors is getting the data local using an ds18b20 or bluetooth.
i want to add an gps module to use it for time and maybe for tracking. but im stuck at i use the framework esp-idf and need gps…
if there is some interest i can upload my esphome yaml to github.
I did try several combinations, like the ca authority parameter, but it didn’t work without esp-idf. Did I miss a setting that is available in the arduino framework?
Nice, looks neat! I use the GPS for the time as well!
And a touchscreen for some settings and insights. But the main reason to connect to HA is to keep history…
I also have a lot of sensors in addition, like gyroscopic to check whether the caravan is level, voltage, amperage en temperature to cool down behind the refigerator.