Use Facebook Profile Image for Persons with new API

Hey everyone!

I’ve been using Facebook profile images for some time as the profile images of the persons in my HomeAssistant setup. Since last month (September 2020) there is a new API for retrieving this. Before this you could just use a simple URL that includes the facebook profile id. Now you need to create an App on the Facebook developer website, retrieve an access key and finally do a GET request (with the person id and the access key) to get the URL to the profile image I want.
The request is URL is like this:{graph_api_version, I use: v8.0}/{person_id}/picture?type=large&redirect=false&access_token={access_token}
This returns the following JSON string:

   "data": {
      "height": 320,
      "is_silhouette": false,
      "url": "{Direct_URL_to_Profile_image}",
      "width": 321

The url property is this string contains the direct url to the image file. I have the feeling this URL changes over time so therefore I would like to extract this url (automatically) and use it in the customize.yaml file as follows:

  entity_picture: {facebook_PF_URL}

I’ve looked into using templates for this, using the from_json filter would definitely work. But I have not found out how I can retrieve this JSON message from an URL. Does anybody have any experience doing this?

Many thanks,

Never mind, in the request URL just set redirect to true like this:{graph_api_version, I use: v8.0}/{person_id}/picture?type=large&redirect=true&access_token={access_token}

Hi, I lost my picture as well, please explain how I set it up using the your procedure, just a simple step by step guide, thanks.

Never mind, I got it, went to their Docs