Use Givenergy API to display the battery temperature or warn when it goes down in cold temperatures

Hi everyone

I’m fairly new to Home Assistant, as I’ve tended to use dedicated apps to monitor the smart devices around my home, so whilst I’m not an expert, I do have a decent level of knowledge and understanding of APIs and have dabbled with Raspberry Pi projects in case that may be useful to achieve what I’m after.

Essentially, I have a solar system at home with a Givenergy inverter and battery. Their app shows the temperature of the battery, but I have no way to monitor it other than manually firing up the app to check.

I currently use an automation which ties in APIs provided by Octopus, Givenergy and Solcast (provided by and under normal conditions it will charge and discharge by battery at the most economic times throughout the day.

That aside, I really just want to know if I can do something that will pull the battery temperature from the inverter data and display it easily for me; maybe using an old tablet or phone as a screen. I’d also be interested in setting up a warning if the battery temp goes below 20 degrees.

Could this be done using a combination of a Raspberry Pi, and possibly some sort of Shelly smart device?? Not sure if I’m way off with this, but would be an interesting project to work on.

You guidance and support is appreciated.

Thanks, Iain