I’m planning to configure a new Smart Home environment and I also want to use HomeMatic IP components via the RaspberryMatic Add-On on a Raspberry Pi 4.
To connect the Raspberry Pi I obviously need a radio gateway to the radio network of HomeMatic IP. In the official documentation from RaspberryMatic USB Gateway Sticks are used for this.
BUT there is always the hint, that it is best practice to extend the USB connection to decouple the radio stick from RaspberryPi. From my point of view an USB extender is always a bad idea for robust and long term installations. The second thing is, that an USB extender can only be used for distances up to 3-5 m. But in my case the Raspberry Pi installation is done in the cellar and I want to use the most wireless components 2 floors above or even in the garden. So I’m searching for an ethernet to radio gateway or anything like this which ensure a safer connection than a floating USB extender.
You have the option to use the HB-RF-ETH. I don’t have any experience with it though, so I can’t say how well this works, or if it works at all. Plus, I have read, that there are problems when the connection is lost where it doesn’t reconnect. Apparently that’s by design, and I don’t know if it’s still like that. But you should be aware of this before considering this device.
Thanks for the information. I also read these issues regarding reconnection problems.
It seems that unfortunately there is no stable ethernet gateway for homematic…
I read some articles about the HM-IP-HAP.
This Access Point seems to work as a gateway for IP components. But does anyone know, if this is compatible with the RaspberryMatic Add-On?
No, that’s a standalone box that only works with the cloud integration. Or, actually, I think it can also be used as a range extender when used as a gateway. But you’ll have to research if / how the RaspberryMatic Add-on supports this. But in this case you probably also could just use a regular CCU2 as an external RF-gateway.