Use Hue Light instead of notifications for water detection and washingmachine finish

As my phone(s) use LineageOS instead of Google, the notifcations do not work. So I came up with the idea to use my Hue light in the living room to use as indicator.
It turns red when one of the water detections is actived and green when my washing machine finishes.
The last one is detected because I use a Shelly plug for power measurement. When the power consumption is below 5 Watts for 5 minutes, the cycle has finished.

As I also have an automation that turns the lights off when no one is home, I have added the color of the light as a condition not to turn it off. After some searching I figured out the following code

condition: not

  • condition: template
    value_template: “{{ state_attr(‘light.Hue’,‘rgb_color’) == (0, 255, 0) }}”