If anyone knows how this can be accomplished from one script (passing it as variables) that script.turn_on another script, I would appreciate to hear from you.
Everything you asked about is available at the link I posted. You just have to put a little effort in to read and understand it. I’m not spoon feeding you. Especially after that comment.
It’s not. It shows how to pass variables (title and message) and use them in a notification of the called script, not to call them like described here - and that’s what my question is about.
If you want to alienate others, that’s how to do it. However, it’s self-defeating because it’s a disincentive for others to help you.
There are tens of thousands of users in this community forum. However, only a surprisingly small number of them regularly volunteer their time to help others … and you just made a needlessly snarky reply to someone who helps a lot of people.
Hello, found this thread as I was trying to do a similar thing.
After searching around on GitHub and testing it out myself, it seems you can’t execute an action passed into a script as a field (a runtime variable). You can, however, execute an action set when the script is configured.
The downside to this, obviously, is once the script is configured to do A and B, it will only ever do A and B, rather than allowing the user to tell it to do C on this specific run.