Use of 'below' in automation

This is a simple automation to turn on a fan (sonoff switch) when temperature in a cold room goes below 35F. I get no error in the configurator but when I check configuration I get an error saying ‘below’ not allowed in automation. The documentation specifically mentions ‘above’ and ‘below’. Am I using it wrong or what should I use instead? Here’s the code.

- alias: Cold Room Fan
  description: turn on cold room fan when temperature drops below 35
  - entity_id: sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_6ee07d04_temperature
    platform: state
    below: 35
  - entity_id: switch.sonoff_1000db40db
    service: switch.turn_on
    for: 60

should be

platform: numeric_state

as in the docs Automation Trigger - Home Assistant

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Thanks TazUK. I will change that.

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For is not an option in the action section. I assume you want to turn on the switch for 60 mina. Then you need to have turn on, delay 60 min and then turn off.

Ok. Did that and it works. many thanks