Use of friendly_name on Broadlink sensors

I’ve started adding some Broadlink components to HA. I’ve added sensors, alarm kit and some power switches. So far so good. However I notice that I can’t differentiate between the eAir sensors in HA. I’ve tried using friendly_name like I did for the switches but I get an error message that says it’s not supported. I find it strange since it works fine on the switches.

Invalid config for [sensor.broadlink]: [friendly_name] is an invalid option for [sensor.broadlink]. Check: sensor.broadlink->friendly_name. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at

Has anyone found a way to use friendly_name or some other method to get specific names on the sensors?

My code for configuration.yaml is below. You find the sensors after the switch section.

  - platform: broadlink
    host: 192.1681.xx
    mac: 'B4:43:0D:C5:xx:xx'
    friendly_name: 'Lys vindu 1.etg'
    type: sp3

  - platform: broadlink
    host: 192.168.1.xx
    mac: 'B4:43:0D:F0:xx:xx'
    friendly_name: 'Lys kontor'
    type: sp3

  - platform: broadlink
    mac: '34:EA:34:B6:xx:xx'
    friendly_name: 'Hage Lys'
    type: sp3

  - platform: broadlink
    scan_interval: 60
    host: 192.168.1.xx
    mac: 'B4:43:0D:70:xx:xx'
    friendly_name: 'Bar'
      - temperature
      - humidity
      - air_quality
      - light
      - noise

  - platform: broadlink_s1c
    ip_address: 192.168.1.xx
    mac: '34:EA:34:59:xx:xx'
    timeout: 10

You can’t use friendly name because it creates more than 1 sensor. After the sensors are created, change the friendly name through customization (configuration > customization) or through the entity registry.