Use of input_slider in automation as for statement variable

Hey there, I’m in the process of switching from openHab to homeassistant. I want to configure the “Turn off kitchen light 10 minutes after last movement” example with an input_slider instead of a fixed 10min timeframe.

the automation rule looks like this:

# switch heating blanket off after X minutes
alias: heating blanket off after x minutes
  - platform: state
    entity_id: switch.heating_blanket
    to: 'on'
      minutes: '{{ states.input_slider.heating_blanket_safety_minutes.state }}'
      #minutes: 90
  - service: switch.turn_off
      - switch.heating_blanket

If I set the minutes manually (e.g. 90 minutes) it works. With the input_slider it does not.
(Yes, “input_slider.heating_blanket_safety_minutes” does exist)

I’m pretty sure that “minutes” does not accept templates - it’s looking for a value.


Here we go again… We need to put a request in for a list of values that can be templated to be added to the components cards in the catalog.

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It would be nice if pretty much everything could be templated, but I know that would be a lot of work to do, and maybe not possible for some things.

Yeah - I can see that there could be issues with what @tillmannschatz has in the OP as an example. It’d be complicated to have a variable time comparison to the state. But there are lots of places where templates can be applied but aren’t yet.

Yeah thats a good point.

There is other ways you can do the same thing though, @tillmannschatz… You could probably do a delay in your action instead of using for: in your trigger. Such as
delay: '00:{{ states.input_slider.heating_blanket_safety_minutes.state | int }}:00'
before the light gets turned on. Although you will have to do a bit more templating to convert to hours and minutes if your slider goes above 59.

Or a safer route… call a script that does that delay + service, and kill the script before calling it again every time in case it is already running. Use this service: script.turn_off to cancel a script.

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I know this is an old post. I ran into this problem recently and thought I’d share my solution for templating input_slider (or input_number in my case) values greater than 59 minutes in a delay statement.

delay: '{% if states.input_slider.heating_blanket_safety_minutes.state | int > 59 %}{{ states.input_slider.heating_blanket_safety_minutes.state | int // 60 }}{% else %}00{% endif %}:{% if states.input_slider.heating_blanket_safety_minutes.state | int > 59 %}{{states.input_slider.heating_blanket_safety_minutes.state | int % 60 }}{% else %}{{states.input_slider.heating_blanket_safety_minutes.state | int}}{% endif %}:00'