Use read-only NFC tags

This is a bit silly, but I have some read-only NFCs (Amiibo) that I’d really like to be able to use for automations. For example, if I scan a Link amiibo it would change the lights green or play the Legend of Zelda theme. Sadly, this can’t be done because the NFC chip needs to be overwritten for it to work. Would it be possible to scan an NFC tag and tell HA to do something when that specific tag is scanned?

I haven’t made any PRs for HA yet, but I have coding experience and would be willing to do this myself if someone pointed me in the right direction. Thanks!

I would like to see the same working,no idea why this is not possibble

Hi, I have also read only nfc tags that want to use with home assistant. I already had use some of this nfc tag but after some features stop to work.

I waiting for some solution.

Any chance someone has worked on that ? I have few MagicBand+ from disney I’d like to use too! :stuck_out_tongue:

I spent a good amount of time trying to use read-only tags just to realize that they are not supported!

This does not make any sense - whatever is written to a tag by HA is just an ID, there is already one readily available on the tag…

I will end up using another app to create a task to send a webhook to HA to trigger the automation. Pffff.

Hi, can you explain how you used another app to trigger a read-only tag on homeassistant?


It is quite convoluted: I use Tasker ( to react when a tag is read, and then Tasker sends either a web call (retrieved on HA side by a webhook), or publishes to MQTT. Automations are based on these events.

Is find is really disappointing that read-only tags are not supported natively (there is nothing to support, actually, it is just a matter of which information form the tag is read)

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