Use scenes with Danfoss Ally TRVs?

I have a bunch of Danfoss Ally TRVs in my house, integrated with ZigBee2MQTT.

To create night and day automations I wanted to create scenes with different temperature setpoints for them. Obviously I couldn’t not figure how to do this, and set it up by creating two autmations which send out MQTT messages to change the TRVs set_point for each TRV. This works, but is tedious.

Now I tried to create scenes including a TRV to change the temperature for the bath.
In developer tools, there are a bunch of entities exposed for the TRV. The climate.trv_gf_bath is obvoiusly the right one to set the temperatures:

But whatever I do to change the temperature and then click save, the scene doesn’t take it over.

Feel kinda stupid, but have no idea how to get this to work.

Thanks :slight_smile:

hi, but when you check the logbook what does it say?

Sorry the late reply.

Do you mean the HA logs? or which logbook? Or the entity’s history?

I have exactly the same issue, my attempts to include z-wave TRVs in scenes completely fails, the temperature values set are ignored. Did you ever find a solution?

Sadly no. I also have serious issues with my ZigBee network. Hence, everything I do is built on sand and had not enough time to research it.

What I did for the TRVs are setting up automations sending MQTT messages to change the setpoint temps (running ZigBee2MQTT). This works great, but I have not tried to add this to scenes. Just time based automations and buttons in GUI to call them.

I’ve not yet played with sending MQTT messages. How is that done (or can you link a howto)?

A sorry, didn’t see your message. Hadn’t been here for a while…

It’s really stupid brute force requesting an update every minute automation:

alias: Update Danfoss Ally TRV on change for trv.gf_bath
description: ""
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: zigbee2mqtt/trv.gf_bath/set/occupied_heating_setpoint
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: "*"
condition: []
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 15
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: zigbee2mqtt/trv.gf_bath/get
      payload: "{\"occupied_heating_setpoint\":\"\", \"local_temperature\":\"\"}"
mode: single

It’s triggered on every temp change and also every full minute:

  • every minute to have current time readings in the GUI
  • the on temp change trigger, to have a fast update after changing the setpoint temperature through the WebUI or the HA App

Hopes this helps.