Use Siri to trigger a Lovelace dashboard on google home hub using CATT

I came across this great tutorial how to use CATT to cast home assistant dashboards to a google hub -

From 8:30 onwards in the video it is shown how to use home assistant automation to start the cast to the google home hub.

I’ve used the video instructions to install CATT and the SSH & Web terminal plugin, creating a dashboard+setting security and tested this according to the provided instructions.

The automation is implemented it bit differently using node red in order to trigger the automation with Siri.

What you will need -

  • Node red plugin in home assistant
  • SSH & Web terminal plugin in home assistant

Within node red the following plugins:

  • node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket (installed by default if you use the node-red plugin in home assistant)
  • node-red-contrib-homekit-bridged

Flow in node red :

Energie dashboard is of service type - Switch (this is your “dummy” switch to trigger the automation

The “switch” property is set to msg.payload.ON

  • == is true > 1
  • == is false >2

Cast Energy Dash is a home assistant call service node

  • Domain is hassio
  • Service is addon_stdin
  • Data is set to JSON with value :
"addon": "a0d7b954_ssh",
"input": "catt -d \"[NAME OF GOOGLE DEVICE]\" cast_site [http:// [HOME ASSISTANT IP]:8123/lovelace/[NAME OF DASHBOARD]”

After a delay of 1 sec the change node is set to:

SET msg.payload to {“On”:false} 

(this will turn off the switch in homekit)

Instead of using the Catt command directly, it is also possible to call an .sh script as shown in the YouTube video.

Happy automating !!!