Hi everyone
I have a script which calls multiple services, however two of these services (unrelated to each other) require a little logic to make sense. The first of these is to set the temperature on the climate service which works but I cannot figure out how to do something similar with a switch.
This is my working climate code:
- service: climate.set_temperature
entity_id: climate.heating
temperature: >
{% if states('input_select.system_mode') == 'Home' or states('input_select.system_mode') == 'Pets only' %}
{% endif %}
The following is pseudocode of what I want to achieve:
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: >
{% if states('sensor.bathroom_humidity') > states('input_number.bathroom_humidity_upper_trigger') %}
{% endif %}
I think this should be possible but I cannot find the syntax in the docs for this one.