Use trigger IDs by default in automations

Status Quo

  • Users that learn about trigger IDs seem to be happy to find out about them and like to use them
  • Use of trigger IDs greatly de-clutters the list of automations and allows to keep semantically connected trigger/action combinations clustered in one automation instead of creating many individual but related automations that clutter the list.
  • Triggers currently have an autogenerated description that makes it easy to identify them in automations with several triggers.
  • The list of triggers is very easily legible, but the actions in a choose between X actions are much less legible.

Suggestion: Make Trigger IDs default behaviour in Automations

  • use the autogenerated descriptions as default trigger ids
  • in the actions section of the automation UI config, default to actions by trigger ID. so there is a separate actions section for each defined trigger, listed by their description/ID
  • allow service calls to switch on/off individual triggers as well as whole automations.

This would facilitate intuitive use of structured, clustered automations and potentially reduce the number of individual automations, reducing interface clutter in the automations interface.

Remember to vote for your own suggestion! :wink:

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good idea :smiley:

I notice you didn’t. Can you see an issue with this one?

I mainly use Node Red, so can’t really see the pros and cons.

gotcha. That explains it :slight_smile:

Perhaps just having the Trigger ID enabled by default, but not populated by default is best. I frequently have multiple triggers all with the same trigger ID so they all can trigger the same actions. If it’s auto generated I’m not sure this would work anymore. But saving the extra two clicks on every trigger to enable the ID would be nice.

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All triggers have a Trigger Id set up by default, whether you override it with your own text is totally up to you.

From the docs:

All triggers can be assigned an optional id. If the ID is omitted, it will instead be set to the index of the trigger.

Remember that indexes start from 0, so your first trigger will have a trigger Id of 0, not 1.