Use Tronity API to extract car data into sensors using Node-Red

Thank you for this great ad-onn.

I seem to have one issue though.

I do not seem to be able to retrieve latitude and longtitude. When running the flow from within Nore-RED i get:

12.2.2023 23.36.53node: id4_gpsmsg : string[71]

“Call-service error. invalid latitude for dictionary value @ data[‘gps’]”

I do get all other values.


Just wondering if its possible to add for this good flow,

tronity_charges | List of all battery charges

tronity_control_charging | Battery charging control

Check to see if you have any values in latitude and longitude. Tronity may not be able to retrieve these values . All values captured from tronity should be in the all data node.

I guess that my ID.4 does not supply the relevant gps value sto Tronity then.

I do get all other values.

It might be possible in a future firmware upgrade.

Hi. First off, awesome integration, with our Audi Q4 eTron being completely limited through the Audi Connect app, this seems to be a good way of integrating to Home Assistant.

I have installed the flow and updated them as it says I should, but unfortunately I just get this debug message when trying to run the 3 min flow trigger. Is there a glaring mistake here that I can fix easily?


Hi Mithrox,

I use Tronity for my Q4 Etron as well, ensure that you have setup them call correct, delete all projects and just copy and paste them into. I had such messages as well in the past.
But I do not use Node-Red any more.


There is a Github project that works well for me in order to catch any data from Tronity API.

Use HACS and add the below customer respo:

→ add tronity: into the configuration.yaml
→ add the service into HA
You should get:

If needed rename the entities like I did I do not need the Tronity.xx_xx

Much quicker and easy to handle as this is maintained by tronity employees any change on the API will quickly adapted to the new one.