Use two strings

I have a scrape sensor that outputs:
Generado el 30/12/2020 a las 14:56

In the value template I added

value_template: '{{ value.lstrip("Generado el ") }}'

Which outputs:
30/12/2020 a las 14:56

If I want to remove the “a las” I would need to use:

value_template: '{{ value.replace(" a las ", " ")}}'

How do I combine both?

Is there a better way to output it as a time reference so I can create with math a “how long ago was it generated” template sensor

You could replace both parts in one step and then convert it to a date object.

{% set value = 'Generado el 30/12/2020 a las 14:56' %}
{% set valueStripped = value.replace("Generado el ", "").replace(" a las", "") %}
{% set valueTimestamp = strptime(valueStripped, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') %}

Cant get it to work

  - platform: scrape
    resource: https://xxxxxx
    select: "#hoy > div:nth-child(1) > section > div > div.container.parte-dia-header > p"
    value_template: '{% set valueStripped = value.replace("Generado el ", "").replace(" a las", "") %}{% set valueTimestamp = strptime(valueStripped, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') %}'
    name: sierra nevada last update
    scan_interval: 320

This one gives no value :S

  - platform: scrape
    resource: https://xxxxxx
    select: "#hoy > div:nth-child(1) > section > div > div.container.parte-dia-header > p"
    value_template: >
        {% set valueStripped = value.replace("Generado el ", "").replace(" a las", "") %}
        {% set valueTimestamp = strptime(valueStripped, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') %}
    name: sierra nevada last update
    scan_interval: 320

You template needs to be like this.

    value_template: >
        {% set valueStripped = value.replace("Generado el ", "").replace(" a las", "") %}
        {% set valueTimestamp = strptime(valueStripped, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') %}
        {{ valueTimestamp }}

You can also use python’s slice function to directly extract the date and time from the string.

  - platform: scrape
    resource: https://xxxxxx
    select: "#hoy > div:nth-child(1) > section > div > div.container.parte-dia-header > p"
    value_template: "{{ strptime(value[12:22] ~ value[28:34], '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') }}"
    name: sierra nevada last update
    scan_interval: 320

In the template, the date string is extracted with value[12:22] and the time string is extracted with value[28:34] (includes the space character before the time). The two extracted strings are combined (with the tilde ~ character) and converted with strptime.


If you want to experiment with slice, copy-paste this example into the Template Editor.

{% set value = 'Generado el 30/12/2020 a las 14:56' %}

Raw: {{ value[12:22] ~ value[28:34] }}

Cooked: {{ strptime(value[12:22] ~ value[28:34], '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') }}


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Having another issue, value not being float value, being a string

  # Pollen / health levels
  - platform: scrape
    select: "#WxuAirQuality-main-7de6dc7e-8c44-46e2-bc70-fc9b603bb596 > div > section:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > span.AirQualityText--measurement--2AGlG.AirQuality--pollutantMeasurement--dlvtB"
    name: Ozono Torrelodones
    value_template: '{{ value.rstrip(" μg/m3") | float }}'
    scan_interval: 320

Captura de pantalla 2021-01-05 a las 20.22.53


    unit_of_measurement: 'μg/m3'

That helps to change the graph’s appearance.

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